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Airlines Grateful for Air Traffic Control Charges Delay

Airlines Grateful for Air Traffic Control Charges Delay
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) thanked Eurocontrol member states and European Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) for agreeing to delay payments due for air navigation services in February through to May this year.

The payments would have totalled more than 1.1 billion Euros. With airlines suffering from a severe liquidity crisis due to a 90% collapse of air traffic across Europe, this cost burden would have compounded the acute difficulties facing the industry.

“We profoundly thank Eurocontrol, European states and ANSPs, for postponing more than EUR 1 billion in air navigation fees. This is exactly the kind of solidarity which the industry needs to show during this period of deep and unprecedented crisis. Once the COVID-19 restrictions start to be lifted, Europe will need its airlines to be in good enough shape to be able to jump-start the economy. This charges delay will help make a big difference in that cause,” said Rafael Schvartzman, IATA’s Regional Vice President for Europe.  

The 41 member states of Eurocontrol,  which coordinates air traffic control operations across Europe, voted to delay payment of February’s charges to November 2020, with payments for March, April and May delayed to 2021.

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