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Arvato SCM Solutions achieves GMP certification

Arvato SCM Solutions achieves GMP certification
Arvato SCM Solutions in Spain has obtained GMP certification from the Spanish authorities allowing the partial manufacture of medicines.

The new license expands the portfolio of services offered by Arvato SCM in Spain and adds to those already obtained for the storage and distribution of pharmaceutical products and medical devices (WDL), as well as the certification referring to good distribution practices (GDP).

In the words of Belen Vaya, Quality Manager Healthcare of Arvato SCM in Spain: "With this new authorization received, we extend, with all the necessary guarantees, the services offered to our clients of the pharmaceutical industry in Spain while homogenizing the catalogue of services and licenses with our European network".
Arvato currently has 18 sites in Europe dedicated exclusively to the distribution of pharmaceutical products and medical devices, covering almost the entire European territory by means of a single information system and a homogenization of processes and quality policies.

Emilio Juaranz, General Manager of Arvato SCM in Spain, said: "It is essential for Arvato to be able to adapt our operations in order to offer a solution capable of managing most of our customers' needs under a single comprehensive solution. For this reason, since 2016 we have invested heavily in Spain in order to be able to offer one of the most complete order to cash solutions in the Spanish market.
Thanks to this new license, our clients will be able to benefit from additional services for reconditioning medicines, such as re-packaging or labelling in a single location, thus improving the time and control of stored products, as it is not necessary to send them to a third party."

Arvato has been present in Spain for more than 20 years, where it has been gradually increasing its market share and services in the Iberian Peninsula by offering one of the most complete portfolios of services in the market. Since 2016, Arvato has added Healthcare solutions to its portfolio of services in Spain.

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