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Corpus Is The First Company In The Western World To Adopt Pure Electric Trucks Fleet

Corpus Is The First Company In The Western World To Adopt Pure Electric Trucks Fleet
Corpus, a Brazilian company with headquarters in the city of Indaiatuba, near Campinas, in the state of São Paulo, announces the unprecedented and historic acquisition of 200 pure electric trucks for garbage collection service.

The deal foresees a staggered delivery of vehicles with annual deliveries until 2023. On May 21st, in China, at BYD’s headquarters, the agreement will be signed and the first 21 units will arrive in Brazil in September.

The acquisition of the 200 pure electric vehicles makes Corpus the first company in the Western world to form a fleet of this magnitude to carry out the garbage collection and processing service, reiterating what it did in 2016 with the purchase of the first pure electric truck for this purpose. The company highlights its commitment to sustainability, environmental preservation, the well-being of society and the communities served.

According to João Paschoalini, Corpus’ Operational Director, the acquisition was due to the efficient performance achieved by the first electric truck, acquired by the company in October of 2016 and immediately incorporated to the fleet. He said: “Sustainability an environmental preservation are directly linked to the use of renewable energy sources, even more so in a fleet of heavy vehicles and commercial operation. Fleet electrification is the future and includes the use of waste to generate electricity, which will contribute to a better, cleaner, and healthier society. Corpus has a history of pioneering, now confirmed with the leadership in the process of electrification of the Brazilian truck segment.”

The Sales Director of BYD do Brasil, Carlos Roma, said that the acquisition by Corpus represents an important milestone in the history of the Brazilian automotive industry. He emphasizes that: “unlike other manufacturers around the world who are now putting their first pure electric trucks in demonstration with customers, ours has been in commercial operation for five years now and in Brazil since October 2016, ensuring immediate revenue and adding value for our client in its activity.”

“The eT8A is the quietest and most comfortable dump truck on the market. The costumer verified its performance and the vehicle surpassed that of the conventional diesel models. It has lower TCO – Total Cost of Ownership – than those available in the Brazilian market and provides direct benefits to the environment and to the well-being of the population.

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