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Ford Honors Grimaldi Group at 20th Annual World Excellence Awards

Ford Honors Grimaldi Group at 20th Annual World Excellence Awards
- Grimaldi Group honored by Ford Motor Company with an Outbound Ocean – Finished Vehicles World Excellence Award

- Ford’s World Excellence Awards recognize companies that exceed expectations to achieve the highest levels of excellence in quality, delivery, value and innovation

- Suppliers like Grimaldi Group are key to Ford’s success as it works to become the world’s most trusted mobility company

The Grimaldi Group was recognized as a top-performing global supplier for Ford Motor Company at the 20th annual Ford World Excellence Awards. Only 88 companies were selected as finalists from thousands of Ford suppliers globally.

The Grimaldi Group was presented with an Outbound Ocean – Finished Vehicles award by Ford Motor Company’s Joe Hinrichs, executive vice president and president, global operations, and Hau Thai-Tang, executive vice president, product development and purchasing.

We are very honored to have received this prestigious award," said Emanuele Grimaldi, managing director of the Grimaldi Group. "Ford Motor Company is one of our main customers, with whom we have been cooperating for over 40 years providing logistics services characterized by punctuality, quality, economic convenience and efficiency," said Emanuele Grimaldi.

Our World Excellence awards recognize the outstanding achievements of Ford Motor Company’s top-performing suppliers around the world,” said Thai-Tang. “Suppliers like Grimaldi Group are key to Ford’s continued success as we work towards our goal of becoming world's most trusted mobility company.”

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