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Hendrickson at the IAA Commercial Vehicles Show 2018

Hendrickson at the IAA Commercial Vehicles Show 2018
At the IAA Commercial Vehicles in Hanover on September 20-27 2018,

Hendrickson will display their latest “ENGINEERED for EFFICIENCY” suspension systems for truck, bus, and trailer applications for today’s global medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicle industry.

At booth B47 in hall 26, the company will present STEERTEK NXT , a system concept design integrating a durable and lightweight fabricated axle with the advanced combination of composite/steel spring technology. Also on display will be the multiple capacities of the latest generation of the ULTIMAAX – advanced severe-duty rubber suspension, the HSDS Trailer severe-duty air suspension systems or the Trailer Tyre Pressure Control System TIREMAAX, as well as many other innovations and proven suspensions and components for the global transportation industry.

Especially for visitors to IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018, Hendrickson has set up a website that provides a comprehensive, interactive overview of the product portfolio exhibited at the IAA, as well as its worldwide locations.

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