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IATA Launches 2023 Air Cargo Innovation Awards

IATA Launches 2023 Air Cargo Innovation Awards
IATA has launched the fourth edition of the IATA Air Cargo Innovation Awards to recognize new solutions, concepts and ideas that contribute to air logistics’ digitalization, sustainability, safety and security.

“Innovation holds the key to development, sustainability and success in the air cargo industry and we are committed to recognizing and unlocking its potential. The latest edition of the IATA Air Cargo Innovation Awards supports this objective with more than US $20,000 to the winners. Imagination is the only limit to the range of ideas that can be submitted. Based on our past competitions, we expect to see a plethora of creative solutions,” said Brendan Sullivan, IATA’s Global Head of Cargo. 

Award Categories 

To recognize the creativity of start-ups and innovators that often lead industry transformation while also honoring the work of well-established corporations, the 2023 IATA Air Cargo Innovation Awards have two separate categories:

  • Start-ups and innovators (newly created companies, individuals, and small companies with less than 25 staff members)
  • Corporate participants

Interested participating individual / companies should check for detailed eligibility criteria on the IATA website and submit entries by 2400 (CET) on 27th February 2023. 


Submissions will be evaluated by an independent judging panel including industry experts, academics, and executives of leading logistics companies, based on the concept, innovativeness, contribution to industry priorities, and the likelihood of achieving success. 

The winner of the corporate category and the three finalists for the start-up & innovators category will be selected by the judges. The three finalists for the latter category will be invited to present their projects at the 2023 IATA World Cargo Symposium (WCS) on 27th March in Istanbul, Turkey. Delegates will then vote for their preferred innovation and the winners will be awarded at the closing preliminary of WCS.

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