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Kögel bids farewell to Petra Adrianowytsch

Kögel bids farewell to Petra Adrianowytsch
Kögel Managing Directors Thomas Heckel and Thomas Eschey took over the previous areas of responsibility of Corporate Development, Human Resources, Marketing/Communication and IT from resigning Managing Director Petra Adrianowytsch.

The separation will take place by mutual agreement. "We would like to thank Mrs. Petra Adrianowytsch for the successful cooperation over the past years and wish her all the best for the future," says Kögel owner Ulrich Humbaur.

Petra Adrianowytsch completed a bank apprenticeship, studied business administration and then worked for her parent's company. As a graduate in business administration (university of applied sciences), she advanced to the position of managing director in the disposal industry, where she was responsible for more than 650 commercial vehicles. She also held several managing director positions in major corporations in the disposal sector. She is familiar with the trailer market and the company as a result of her consulting work for Kögel between 2012 and 2013. Petra Adrianowytsch has played a key role in shaping Kögel in recent years. After joining the company in 2015, she was initially responsible for the management departments Corporate Development and Sales for the DACH regions (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) before gradually assuming more responsibility at Kögel.

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