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Krone Parts get there faster with Unique QR Code

Krone Parts get there faster with Unique QR Code
Digital solution ensures accurate replacement ‘for life’KRONE has introduced a new system for ordering trailer parts which says the company will speed up supply and guarantee accurate parts replacement for the life of every Krone vehicle.

Using a unique quick-response code, which is stamped onto the registration plate of every KRONE trailer, the customer simply scans the information, using a mobile or tablet, to gain instant access to the trailer parts list and all relevant data - such as part numbers, description and availability. Then, using the KRONE Online Shop, the parts can be quickly ordered.

As each QR code is unique to the trailer on which it is supplied, the operator will benefit from fast and accurate identification of the required spare part without confusion or issues arising from language translation.

Furthermore, parts procurement is speeded up and the customer will save time during maintenance, repairs or vehicle breakdowns during the life of the trailer and will always be assured of receiving the actual parts which were part of the original trailer specification.

Ralf Faust, Managing Director, is upbeat about the new system:

"Fast spare parts delivery is a matter of course for every Krone customer. Now though, not only have we simplified the ordering process, regardless of location or trailer age, but also the customer can instantly  identify the actual spare parts which were supplied with the vehicle. Faster procurement and direct access contribute to this revolutionary development of our parts supply service.”

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