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Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran (KTAI) corridor opens for TIR

Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran (KTAI) corridor opens for TIR
Following the first successful TIR pilot operation from Bandar Abbas (Iran) to Tajikistan via Afghanistan, the KTAI corridor is now open for TIR transports.

Time and cost savings

The corridor offers the shortest possible route between Iran and Kyrgyzstan, with TIR saving up to five days on the usual transit time. 
The new trade route opens up the region to trade and development, and will enable freight forwarders and transport operators to benefit from significant cost and time savings when transporting goods.  

Successful TIR pilot 

Starting at Bandar Abbas port, one of the 100 biggest ports in the world, the TIR pilot transport proceeded to cross into Afghanistan, where Afghan officials were waiting to greet the convoy.

The TIR trucks continued their journey across Afghanistan and made their way swiftly to their final destination, arriving safely in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. 

Driving trade and growth

According to World Bank reports, the total population of the four countries along the corridor stands at more than 128 million people and their combined total GDP equals close to half a trillion dollars. The launch of the KTAI corridor is designed to tap into these growing markets. 

Given the route’s starting point of Bandar Abbas port, traders and transport operators can also opt to take advantage of the intermodal and digital functions of TIR along the corridor, optimising trade flows and driving growth in the region. 

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