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P&O Ferrymasters Strengthens Road Connectivity To Asia With Opening Of First Office In Turkey

P&O Ferrymasters Strengthens Road Connectivity To Asia With Opening Of First Office In Turkey
P&O FERRYMASTERS announces that it is expanding its pan-European logistics network into Turkey with the opening of its first office in Istanbul.

The news means that customers in Western and Eastern Europe will be able to access markets in Central Asia and the Middle East via daily departures to and from Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

P&O Ferrymasters works with companies in sectors including automotive, paper and packaging, chemicals, steel products and retail and consumer goods. It specialises in delivering reliably and punctually and is investing in green technologies to maximise the sustainability of its operations.

Herman Braam, P&O Ferrymasters’ Director of Freight Management, said: “This strategic move will further strengthen P&O Ferrymasters’ capacity to deliver logistics solutions for customers in both Europe and Asia, utilising our unrivalled network of road, rail and ship assets. The world is getting more complex and we are at our best when we solve the most difficult logistical challenges for our customers.”

“Many of our customers have moved their centres of production to Eastern Europe, delivering to internal local markets in the Balkans, Turkey, Iran, Georgia and Kazakhstan. We are focused on supporting these new trade lanes, first with road transportation solutions and in future with the introduction of Intermodal assets such as Huckepack trailers on our rail services.”

The company’s office in Istanbul will be headed by Ms. Duygu Can and a team of multilingual specialists who will provide local market knowledge and information.

P&O Ferrymasters Strengthens Road Connectivity To Asia With Opening Of First Office In Turkey

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