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rail cargo Turkey: logitrans 2018 has a new special section

rail cargo Turkey: logitrans 2018 has a new special section
The New Silk Road initiative is designed to substantially increase the volume of freight shipped by rail between Europe and Asia too. Railway cargo traffic is also becoming much more important in Turkey thanks to growing investments.

This is the reason why this year’s logitrans trade fair, which is taking place in Istanbul on 14 – 16 November 2018, is dedicating a special section specifically to this subject – the “rail cargo Turkey”.

According to a report by GTAI (Germany Trade and Invest), investments amounting to EUR 2.3 billion have been planned for developing new railway lines in Turkey in 2018 alone. Messe München has responded to these current developments with its “rail cargo Turkey” and created a new special section for the growing rail transport business in Turkey and the rapid progress being made in the “One Belt One Road” initiative.

“We’re noticing a huge increase in the level of interest in the market for rail cargo traffic in this region and we now want to take this into account by highlighting this segment,” explains Gerhard Gerritzen, Member of the Management Team at Messe München GmbH.

The most important trends in the sector will also be discussed during the conference programme. Turkey is, for example, one of the major participants in the development of the railway line known as the “Trans-Caspian Corridor”, which links Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Georgia. The route, which is 850 kilometres long, was only opened last year and forms part of the “One Belt One Road” initiative to connect China with Europe. Experts are assuming that about 1 million passengers and 6.5 million tonnes of freight will use the route during the initial phase. The figures are set to rise to as many as 3 million passengers and 17 million tonnes of freight by 2034. Work is also going ahead to privatise the railway lines in order to further increase investments in infrastructure by the private sector.

You can discover more information about the logitrans 2018 at www.logitrans.com.tr

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