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Successful test in Ulm with electric waste collection vehicle from Quantron AG

Successful test in Ulm with electric waste collection vehicle from Quantron AG
• Waste disposal company of the city of Ulm (Germany) tested fully electric Econic from Quantron
• "emission-free and quiet - a great benefit for residents and refuse collectors".

For a whole two weeks, the waste disposal company of the city of Ulm (EBU) was in continuous operation with the Q-Econic, a fully electric waste collection vehicle from the e-mobility specialist Quantron AG. 

The test was designed to test the suitability of alternative drives for municipal use. In the city of around 130,000 inhabitants, the waste collectors used their environmentally friendly waste vehicle from Quantron to empty around 900 waste bins every day over a distance of 80 kilometres on average. During the test phase, the Q-Econic not only impressed with its emission-free and quiet operation, but also with sufficient battery capacity. As a result, the regular working day of the waste collectors could be completed more pleasantly and with success. In addition, the vehicle mastered the road gradients of Ulm without any problems.

The EBU expressed their satisfaction with the test deployment of Quantron's Q-Econic: "The biggest advantage of the vehicle is its environmental friendliness: thanks to the all-electric drive and body, the vehicle runs emission-free - and quietly. A great benefit not only for local residents, but also for the waste collectors who were on the road with the vehicle and are most affected by engine noise and exhaust fumes."

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