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Tea & Talk logitrans 2016: Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan interviews Onur Talay (Managing Director, Batu Intermodal)

Tea & Talk logitrans 2016: Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan interviews Onur Talay (Managing Director, Batu Intermodal)
logitrans 2016 Fuarı sırasında Aysberg standında Tea&Talk adıyla gerçekleştirilen seri röportajları ekranlarınıza getiriyoruz. Konuğumuz Batu Intermodal Genel Müdürü Onur Talay

During logitrans International Transport Logistics Exhibition in Istanbul 2016, Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan and Onur Talay (Managing Director, Batu Intermodal) talk about the business development since the company’s foundation in 2014, their customers out of the food, textile and chemicals industry, their main trimodal route Germany-Turkey based on truck, rail and Ro-Ro service via Triest, their sister company Batu Logistics, the challenges in the pan-European railway corridor and the growth plans of Batu Intermodal until 2023.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan is host of Tea & Talk at the logitrans exhibition. Now in the second edition, Tea & Talk is an interview format dealing with the latest insights on the Turkish and European logistics market by expert guests. It is organized by the AYSBERG media group, Turkey’s Nr. 1 logistics and automotive news and media group. 

Prof. Iskan is best known in Germany and Turkey for his work as full-professor of Supply Chain Management and E-Business at the University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Germany). He is one of the most high profile experts in Industry 4.0, automotive industry, logistics management and change leadership in Germany and Turkey right now. He is author of several books and international publications, the Academic Advisor of the AYSBERG media group as well as top management advisor to holdings and mid-sized companies in the logistics and automotive industry in Germany and Turkey. Prof. Dr. Stefan Iskan formerly worked on top management level for members of the board of management of Deutsche Bahn Group (DB Schenker / DB Cargo), Daimler AG and Deutsche Post Consult. In 2015, IBM’s former top executive, president of the Business Club Stuttgart, and honorary president of the German Bundesliga soccer club VfB Stuttgart, Erwin Staudt, joined Iskan Advice.

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