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The Grimaldi Group from sea to space!

The Grimaldi Group from sea to space!
NASA Astronaut Terry Virts hands over to the Neapolitan company theShipping Company of the Year award

Last 17th April the Grimaldi Group received the Shipping Company of the Year award, during the fourth edition of the North America Automotive Global Awards, held in Detroit at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel. The event was organized by Three6Zero, an editorial group specialised in the automotive industry with various publications distributed in America, Asia, India and Europe.

The award to the Neapolitan group was delivered to Costantino Baldissara, Commercial, Logistics & Operations Director of the Grimaldi Group by Terry Virts, an American NASA astronaut, who has been working on the International Space Station, together with Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.

"On behalf of the Grimaldi Group, I express my appreciation for receiving this award again and it is a great honor for me to meet Terry Wirts. Together we celebrate the excellence of both the skies and the seas", commented Costantino Baldissara while receiving the prize.

The Automotive Global Awards are assigned annually by a jury of experts, which identifies the global excellence involved in the automotive supply chain. The Grimaldi Group was one of 21 companies and individuals rewarded for having achieved the unachievable or for having pioneered a new way of thinking or working.

With 70 years of experience, the Naples-based Grimaldi Group is a dedicated supplier of integrated logistics services based on maritime transport to the world’s major vehicle manufacturers. Various are the maritime services for ro/ro and containers offered by the Group to North American destinations: with the brand Grimaldi Lines it offers a regular maritime service from the Eastern and Western Mediterranean, as well as from the coasts of West Africa while its sister company Atlantic Container Line (ACL) performs a weekly service from various North European ports.

The North American ports called by the Grimaldi Group companies are: Halifax (Canada), Baltimore, New York, Savannah, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Galveston, Houston, Veracruz (Mexico).

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