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TII Group sales responsibility - Completion of the handover from Bernd Schwengsbier to his successor Filippo Baldassari

TII Group sales responsibility - Completion of the handover from Bernd Schwengsbier to his successor Filippo Baldassari
After almost 45 years of successful sales activity and responsibility for the TII Group, Bernd Schwengsbier has handed the baton over to his successor Filippo Baldassari.

The succession plan was designed in coordination with Bernd Schwengsbier and the transition was realized gradually. Since July 1st 2020, the company TII Sales has been jointly managed by Bernd Schwengsbier and Filippo Baldassari.

Now after the complete handover of commercial responsibility, Bernd Schwengsbier’s high contribution to the TII Group has come to an end.

Thanks to his very good, long-standing customer relationships, Bernd Schwengsbier has contributed to the success of the TII Group for decades, of which the last 15 years from a management position. He is held in extremely high regard, both by our global customers and within our company.

The shareholder family and the management of the TII Group would like to thank Bernd Schwengsbier for his successful commitment and high performance and wish Bernd Schwengsbier all the very best for the future.

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