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Turkish steel producer ICDAS expands fleet with industrial lift trucks from Scheuerle

Turkish steel producer ICDAS expands fleet with industrial lift trucks from Scheuerle
At the beginning of the year, Scheuerle Fahrzeugfabrik delivered four industrial lift trucks to ICDAS, one of the largest steel producers in Turkey.

These are now in operation for scrap handling. ICDAS uses 27 Scheuerle transport vehicles, in total.

With their hydrodynamic drive, the industrial lift trucks ordered have a payload of 155,000 kg per vehicle. With all four vehicles, loads of up to 620 tons can be transported. The industrial lift transporters with their 28 axle lines expand the fleet of the steel producer ICDAS to 27 vehicles for internal transport.

ICDAS can look back on a 50-year history in the field of structural steel. Based in Istanbul, the company is one of the largest steel producers in Turkey. The group of companies employs around 10,000 people.

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