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TX Logistik operates more trains between Duisburg and Milan

TX Logistik operates more trains between Duisburg and Milan
TX Logistik AG is tightening its schedule between Germany and Italy. The rail logistics company, which is part of the Mercitalia Group (Gruppo FS Italiane), is increasing the number of round trips on the Duisburg – Segrate

connection from five to six per week as of September 6. The reason for the expansion is the increased demand for the transport of semi-trailers.

Since the expansion of the Gotthard axis has been completed, modern trailers with a corner height of four meters (profile P400) can be transported by rail through Switzerland without any restrictions. This has given an additional boost to demand on this route. For this reason, TX Logistik is adding a Saturday departure to its schedule in each direction, in addition to the previous departures on Mondays to Fridays.

The trains operate between the DUSS terminal Duisburg-Ruhrort Hafen and the Terminal Intermodale Milano Segrate east of Milan. The route runs along the Rhine via Zurich, through the Gotthard Tunnel, via Chiasso to Segrate and back.

The connection is operated as an open train system. Up to 34 loading units fit on one train. In addition to semi-trailers, which account for more than half of the loading units, containers, swap bodies and tank and silo units are also transported. The route is mainly used to transport consumer goods.

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